Open-Source PHP Framework - Designed for rapid development of performance-oriented scalable applications

AJAX Tools

AJAX language translation - translate text upon page load

echo '<div id="languagediv">Text in this box will get translated to Russian via AJAX upon page load.</div>';
$tools get::helper('tools');

Afrikaans | Farsi | French | Greek | Hindi | Hungarian | Japanese | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Yiddish
After one learns the syntax and terminology of a framework, one spends most of one's time hooking up the web site to other services. Not only does Vork have a really intuitive naming convention and native PHP implementation, but its tools for credit card processing, PayPal, Amazon, UPS, YouTube, etc., make it an invaluable for web site development!

AJAX language translation - translate text at any time after page load

echo $form->open();
$form->input(array('type' => 'textarea''id' => 'languagebox''value' => 'Translate anything typed in...'));

$tools get::helper('tools');
$html->link("javascript:vork.translateById('languagebox', 'it')"'Translate to Italian');

Dutch | Galician | Hebrew | Irish | Italian | Macedonian | Malay | Portuguese | Swahili | Vietnamese | Welsh

AJAX data loading

AJAX data loading retrieves the contents from a page and loads it into any HTML container or form text element. To simplify usage, by default AJAX page requests only retrieve the view and skip rendering the layout around it.

Vork AJAX links degrade gracefully into ordinary links for browsers without AJAX support or when set to URLs that cannot be retrieved via AJAX (eg. JavaScript security limits AJAX requests to sites within your own domain) An AJAX link to another domain will behave like an ordinary link.

echo $html->link('/testimonials''Vork Testimonials', array('ajax' => 'ajaxbox'));
'<div id="ajaxbox"></div>';

Vork Testimonials | Vork Community | Vork API + Index by Feature
Use the AJAX links above to put their page contents into this box

AJAX data loading security

Implementation of AJAX security features are explained in the API