Open-Source PHP Framework - Designed for rapid development of performance-oriented scalable applications
Kindle Touch E Ink e-reader

The winner will be randomly chosen in October 2012

Other contests:

Previous contests:

VoltDB Raffle for a Free Kindle Touch

6-inch E-Ink tablet

The contest-winner will get this new Kindle Touch 6-inch E-Ink e-reader:

How entering this contest works

  1. The answers are all about Learn VoltDB - the NewSQL in-memory RDBMS and can be either learned from the VoltDB web site or found in the Database Week HD-video of John Piekos, VoltDB Vice President of Engineering
  2. Everyone is eligible to enter; cheating is okay, feel free to help your friends :)
  3. You need to answer at least 2 of 3 questions correctly to be eligible to win
  4. Exact spelling is not required for text-answers (grading is not effected by typos)

Enter to win:

How does VoltDB scale-out horizontally?

How do you prepare applications for VoltDB partitioning?

Kindle Touch 6-inch e-reader